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Cockpit 158

  • Add check boxes for common NFS mount options
  • Clarify Software Update status if only security updates are available
  • Create self-signed certificates with SubjectAltName

Cockpit 156

  • Redesign main navigation and support mobile browsing
  • Add project homepage links to Apps page
  • Support alternate Kerberos keytabs
  • Maintain an /etc/issue(5) file with current Cockpit status
  • Use event-driven refresh of oVirt virtual machine data instead of polling

Cockpit 155

  • NFS client support
  • Add “Maintenance” switch for oVirt hosts
  • Fix Terminal rendering issues in Chrome
  • Improve Ctrl+W behaviour in the Terminal
  • Support the upcoming OpenShift 3.7 release

Cockpit 152

  • Add Applications page
  • Add automatic update configuration for dnf to Software Updates
  • Fix cockpit-bridge crash if /etc/os-release does not exist

Cockpit 151

  • Support loading SSH keys from arbitrary paths
  • Support X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header for Kubernetes
  • Fix Kubernetes connection hangs

Cockpit 150

  • Add information about unmet conditions for systemd services
  • Automatically enable and start newly created timers on the Services page
  • Support Kubernetes authentication providers in kube config files
  • Support sending non-maskable interrupt to VMs
  • Support Dashboard installation into OSTree overlay
  • Clear cockpit cookie on logout

Cockpit 148

  • Support Cockpit in Internet Explorer
  • Update Cluster/Registry design for image streams
  • Delete OpenShift session tokens on logout
  • Detect unregistered RHEL systems on Software Updates page

Cockpit 147

  • Add configuration of expiry to Accounts page
  • Consistently ignore loopback traffic on all network load graphs
  • Fix the Kdump page in Internet Exporer

Cockpit Workshop before "All Systems Go!"

We’re organizing a Cockpit workshop in Berlin on the 19th and 20th of October, the two days preceding the All Systems Go! conference, the successor to last year’s systemd.conf.The idea is to bring the Cockpit community together to help each other out in various areas relating to Cockpit. For example:...

Cockpit 146

  • Software Updates page shows more information
  • Improve available Software Updates layout for small/mobile screens
  • Support OAuth Kubernetes logins with Google Compute Engine
  • Fix reporting ABRT crashes that are already known to the server
  • Scroll the virtual machine VNC console into view automatically