cockpit.js: Localization

cockpit.js: Localization — Localization and translations


Cockpit provides a gettext() like API for easy translation of strings.


The current locale language code. This is set based on the cockpit.locale() data loaded.



Load locale information for a given po data. The data should be JSON data in the po2json format. The data will be loaded globally. If po data has already been loaded, then this will extend that loaded data with additional strings. Any identical translations strings will be replaced with the new strings. A null argument clears all the locale information previously loaded.

Various methods such as cockpit.gettext() make use of the loaded data.


translated = cockpit.gettext([context], string)
var _ = cockpit.gettext
var C_ = cockpit.gettext
translated = _("string")
translated = C_("context", "string")

Lookup string for translation in the loaded locale data. The translated string will be returned, or string will be returned if no such translated string is present. The context argument is an optional string used to qualify the string.

This function can be assigned to a variable called _ (underscore) which will make your code work with the typical _("string") syntax.


var N_ = cockpit.noop
var NC_ = cockpit.noop

A noop function suitable for assigning to N_ or NC_ so that gettext scanners will be able to find translatable strings. More specifically this function returns its last argument.


translated = cockpit.ngettext([context], string1, stringN, number)

Lookup a string appropriate for a pluralization form of the number. Various languages have complex pluralization forms that go far between the singular and plural forms speakers of English are familiar with. If no such translated string is found then either one of string1 or stringN is returned according to simple pluralization rules.

The context argument is an optional string used to qualify the string.


cockpit.translate(element, ...)

The document will be scanned for translate tags and they will be translated according to the strings in loaded locale data. One or more element arguments may be specified. These are DOM elements for specific parts of the document to be translated. If no element is specified then the entire document is translated.

If an array or array-like object is passed as a selection then all DOM elements in the array will be treated as parts of the document to be translated.