Cockpit 299

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.

Here are the release notes from Cockpit 299:

Kdump: Show location of kdump to verify the successful configuration test

You can now see the location where kdump can be found if testing of kdump settings is successful.

Screenshot from 2023-08-23 11-17-45

Storage: Support for no-overprovisioning with Stratis

A Stratis pool can be put into a “no-overprovisioning” mode where the bad effects of running out of space can be avoided via careful management of filesystem sizes. Cockpit now supports this mode.

Storage: Cockpit can now add caches to encrypted Stratis pools

Encrypted caches are a new feature in Stratis 3.5, and now you can use it also from Cockpit. Read more about Stratis cache in Stratis release notes.

Screenshot from 2023-08-25 13-50-29

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Cockpit 299 is available now: