Cockpit 324

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.

Here are the release notes from cockpit-podman 94 and cockpit-files 7:

Podman: Show ports as ranges

In container and pod details, Cockpit Podman shows contiguous ports as a range when they use the same protocol, host, or host IP.

screenshot of ## show container/pod ports as ranges

Files: Viewing and editing text files

Cockpit Files now supports viewing and editing small text files, perfect for quickly editing configuration files. Right click a file and select “Open text file” to edit.

screenshot of ## viewer/editor for text files

Viewing a configuration file:

screenshot of ## viewer/editor for text files

Edit a configuration file:

screenshot of ## viewer/editor for text files

If a file is changed on disk while editing, a warning will appear:

screenshot of ## viewer/editor for text files

Try it out

cockpit-podman 94 and cockpit-files 7 are available now: