Cockpit 253

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.

Here are the release notes from Cockpit 253 and cockpit-machines 252:

SELinux: Dismiss multiple alerts

SELinux alerts can now be selected and dismissed in bulk, which is simpler than having to expand and dismiss them individually. Having a clean alert state is especially helpful when building policies, as newer alerts become more obvious.

screenshot of dismiss multiple alerts

Machines: Add support for renaming VMs

The Machines page can rename virtual machines.

screenshot of add support for renaming vms screenshot of add support for renaming vms

Try it out

Cockpit 253 and cockpit-machines 252 are available now:

About Garrett LeSage

Garrett has been a designer in the FOSS (free and open source software) world since the late 90s and works at Red Hat in the Cockpit team.