Cockpit 169

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from version 169.

Storage: Offer installation of NFS client support

The “NFS Mounts” pane on the Storage page now shows an “Install NFS Support” button if the necessary packages are not already available:

System: Request FreeIPA SSL certificate for Cockpit’s web server

When enrolling into a FreeIPA domain, an SSL certificate is requested from the IPA server and stored in /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d/10-ipa.cert. Cockpit’s web server will then use that certificate instead of the default self-signed one. The IPA server’s certificate authority is trusted by default and accepted by web browsers, OpenSSL, curl, and other network clients.

Services: Show unit relationships

The details of a systemd service now shows dependency, ordering, and other relationships to units:

Services relationships

Provide motd help about how to access cockpit

Cockpit now provides an /etc/motd.d/cockpit motd message that explains how to enable and start Cockpit if it’s not running, or how to access it if it is running.

This requires PAM 1.3.1 and enabling the pam_motd module:

session     optional

Try it out

Cockpit 169 is available now: